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Nikolay Kolev One unforgettable lady December 14, 2011
The bad news crossed the ocean also...even in Bulgaria i understood this horrible news.I can still see her smile and Rashid smile also at the pool....such a kind lady..full with love and happiness just left us !
There`s no words to describe the pain which i felt...still can`t belive in that ! Gonna miss you so much Casey !Hope so you are in better place and i believe in that you will stay with us ! Rest in Peace Casey. I`m gonna miss you, Casey
Dawn, Kris and Charlotte Doucette Gone Too Soon December 13, 2011
My family and I are so saddened by the loss of Ms. Casey. Her energy and enthusiam for her job, the children and her son were intoxicating and we will always remember her fondly. My daughter, Charlotte - usually a clingy mommy's girl - took a special liking to Ms. Casey and always preferred to sit on her lap rather than her own mom's lap during song time. At 18 months, she can't fully grasp what has happened but I know she and I both will feel her loss at each Gymboree class. We feel blessed to have known her, even if only for a short time.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Ms. Casey's family and friends, and especially her young son.
Mandy H Miss Casey You Were Truly Remarkable December 13, 2011
Miss Casey -

My family and I feel so blessed to have known you and been touched by your kindness and love for life. We looked forward to coming to your class every week (before our nap schedule would not allow us to any longer). Anna responded to your voice and personality better than most of our extended family members. You had this special gift that made you so endearing to all the children and made us adults feel like we too could have your energy and infectious personality (or at least borrow it for 45 minutes). 

It's rare to meet someone like you that really truly makes this world a better place. I enjoyed talking to you about being a parent and I could hear in your voice how much you adored and treasured your family. You lit up like a Christmas tree when talking about all of the activities your son was participating in and you spoke so lovingly about him when you recounted the days you would put him down so carefully as to not disturb him. Your family was very important to you and it was neat to see and hear that side of your life too.

You will be missed but certainly never forgotten. Our thoughts and prayers go to your family right now. I hope they can feel the overwhelming support and love that is being sent their way.

Thank you for all the gifts you bestowed upon my family. We can never repay you for all you have given us.

Rest in peace,

Chris, Mandy and Anna H.  
Carly, Colette, Alix and Teddy von Scaumburg Our loss is Heaven's gain December 13, 2011
We are heartbroke to hear this tragic news. My children will forever be touched by Casey's beautiful influence and we are all better off for having known her. We love you, Casey. Our hearts and prayers are with your family and especially your wonderful son.
Hilary Cain A Tragic Loss December 13, 2011
We are devastated.  Miss Casey meant so much to us and to both of our kids.  I shared some of our memories of her, including some photos from my son's 3rd birthday party, this morning on my blog (  We'll miss you, Miss Casey. 
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