My daughter was in Miss Casey's class at Gymboree. I'm not even sure for how long, but she & Casey created such a tight bond so quickly, and it was clear that, in Kate's eyes, there was no one who could compare to Miss Casey! She would bound out of bed on the days we had Gym with a big smile, declaring, "I get to go see Miss Casey today!!". When we'd arive at class, she would go running from the front door though the whole gym, joyfull yelling "Miss Casey!! Miss Casey!!!" as she flung herself into Casey's waiting arms for big hugs & kisses. Often, Casey would be engaged in another conversation, but she would effortlessley scoop Kate up, prop her on her hip, and give her a loving squeeze while she calmly finished her conversation. Kate always felt like the only kid in the room when Miss Casey was around. She would always manage to sneak her way into Casey's lap during story time, or hop up right in front of her for a quick snuggle & the best bounces on the air log. Seeing Casey was always the highlight of our week! Once Kate outgrew Gymboree, Casey & I kept in touch through Facebook. She was always the first to make a sweet comment on a new photo I'd post, or send a supportive note on a rough day. Casey was the most energetic, positive, joyful, loving, effervescent, enthusiastic, & bright soul I have ever met. Our lives are richer for having known her. We will miss her terribly, but will love her & remember her forever!!!
Our thoughts & prayers are with her family. May your memories of this beautiful soul bring you some comfort during this difficult time. Rasheed, there is no doubt that YOU were her pride & joy, the light of her life! Thank you for sharing a little piece of your mommy with us.
Rest in peace, Dear Friend.